Sarah and her volunteer Pilot on her special bike.

Sue Buckley and her husband John run Club Vibes

Another club member experiencing the freedom and power of biking double.

Sue Buckley

Joyce Graff, Powerful Patient

Mike Lawing, Powerful Patient

Sarah H. of Knoxville was born 12 weeks premature. Before she left the hospital she had serious challenges to overcome. But this tiny baby was also born with a strong spirit and a can-do attitude that have helped her through those and many additional challenges in the first 23 years of her life.

Sarah is a member of Club Vibes ( a non-profit organization created by John and Sue Buckley to assist blind and visually impaired young people in the Knoxville area to live independent and productive lives by identifying their unique capacities and developing their individual strengths. They recruit “pilots” who steer tandem bicycles while a visually impaired young person “stokes” in the rear.

Sarah and Sue join Mike and Joyce to talk about Sarah’s medical journey and her outstanding academic journey which she hopes will lead her to a career in medicine.

See a video about Club Vibes at

See a video about Sarah getting her new prosthetic leg at